一般的によく知られている アルコール依存症 を始め、ギャンブル依存症、買い物依存症、セックス依存症、そして私も患った摂食障害、窃盗壁、知らない人は「自分の弱さを病気のせいにするな」と激怒するが、これらの依存症は 意志が弱いから治らない という様な代物ではに事を、どうか多くの人に理解して欲しい。ここに依存する事で、生きている という事をどうにか保っている、心なのか脳なのか、確実に何かが壊れてしまっている、それが依存症という病気だという事。
だ、という結論にいつも至る。自分が足りない人間だから、こうなるんだ、と全てを解決してきた。そしてそれは 壊れていた何かに、さらに拍車をかけていたのかもしれない。
だ、という結論にいつも至る。自分が足りない人間だから、こうなるんだ、と全てを解決してきた。そしてそれは 壊れていた何かに、さらに拍車をかけていたのかもしれない。
私の摂食障害が始まったのは 今から既に30年近く前の日本。今でこそ「摂食障害」「過食症」と聞けば多くの日本人はその概要を全く知らない事はない(根底の問題を理解している人は少ないが)。もし時代が違っていれば、もう少し自分自身にも 世間にも 知識と理解があれば、こんなに長い道のりを歩く事はなかったのかもしれない。
自分がおかす奇妙な行動を、自分を責める事で折り合いをつけ、長い間自分自身に自己懲罰を与えてきたかのような人生。そこに微かな光が見えたような気がしたのは もうそれ以上落ちる場所がないほどに落ちた時、両手に掛け替えのない我が子の寝顔を見た時だった。
自分では変えられない自分に気付き、依存症という病の恐ろしさを知り、やっとたどり着いた斎藤学医師、彼との出会いがなければ、私は今頃冷たい刑務所の床の上で愛する我が子を想い涙を流しながら 自暴自棄の黒い影に身を任せていただろう。
There may be few Japanese knowing the disease called addiction well.
Addiction is known generally such as alcoholic, gamble addiction, shopping addiction, sexual addiction and eating disorder, kleptomania which I sufferd from,
the person who do not know about addiction fly into a rage says " Do not attribute your weekness to the disese".
but I want you to understand that these addictions are not such things that not be cured becouse will is week.
keeping its life depend on the addiction. whether it is broken a heart whether it is brain which is broken for sure is the illness called the addiction.
A big cause becoming the disease is make it shortly " they had to grow up such the environment that can not love themselves." They were not accepted as who really they were, and becoming they can not accept themselves either.
and start struggling and try to be exist thier life so hard.
One day they realize something is wrong, something is broken I guess that's how it is.
I guess that's how it is.
In my case, There might not be actual feeling until the police beat on the day.
It was hard to grow all the time and wondering what was wrong with me.
but it always lead to a conclusion to be because myself is bad, because myself was as insufficient human being. I solved all when like that.
and it might accelerate something which failed more.
It is already Japan nearly 30 years ago now that my eating disorder began. Many Japanese may know the summary really if they hear it with "eating disorder" "bulimia" in now (there are few people understanding the problem of the root). If both oneself and the world have knowledge and understanding a little more if the times are different, I might not walk the long way so much.
The life that I settled by the strange action that oneself committed by blaming myself and seemed to give myself in self-punishment for a long time.
When it fell so that there was no longer a place to fall into anymore, it was time when it watched the sleeping face of irreplaceable our child in both hands that I had a feeling that it showed dim light there.
I noticed myself who was not changed by myself and knew the terror of the disease called the addiction, at last I arrive Dr,Saito.
without reaching him and to had him treat me, I might be on the cold floor of a prison,and tears by thinking of my precious children.
and leave the bady to a desperate black shadow right now.